Friday, January 27, 2012

Would sending a girl flowers as a secret admirer be inappropriate if she already has a boyfriend.?

It's a sweet idea but it could really get her into trouble with her boyfriend if he thinks she's lying about not knowing where they came from.

Change the flower idea, go for a card maybe....?
Would sending a girl flowers as a secret admirer be inappropriate if she already has a boyfriend.?
it may be a waste of time and money.
Reply:yes, what it someday you were the boyfriend...
Reply:yes inapropriate, bad no no. be pateint young grasshopper, your time will come.
Reply:Yes . . . there are other ways to let her know you are interested. I would still wait until they break up and then pounce ( I mean . . . express my interest).
Reply:yes because she dose have a boyfriend and that could cause serious damage between them, and if she finds out you caused that she may never give you the time of the day, just let her know that you like her and that if something happens with her and her current boyfriend, you would really like that chance to get to know her better

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