Thursday, January 26, 2012

What kind of flowers should I get her?

Tomorrow I'm going to send flowers to my girl at her workplace and I don't know what kind, since it's not a special ocassion, I'm sending them just "bacause..." This is the first time I'll do something like this.

What do you suggest?
What kind of flowers should I get her?
Don't go for yellow roses...too friendly. Try a beautiful wildflower bouquet if she likes that kind of thing. No carnations!! If she is more refined, try lillies, red roses, or irises in an arrangement.
Reply:Lilies or carnations
Reply:try brown
Reply:Lillys are sweet
Reply:Carnations or Lillys

Simple, cheap and really sweet!
Reply:Sassy Says, Sunflowers or a boquet of mixed flowers, the florist has a lot of ideas too. Just go woth sunflowers in my opinion.
Reply:whatever kind you can rip out of your neighbors yard. or plastic ones. they wont die. DUH IDIOIT
Reply:Pink Foxgloves, Red Roses, and White Baby's Breath.
Reply:Something maybe she can re-pot or watch grow. Plants are always fun, but a basket of everyday flowers are also nice ie: daisy's etc. Good luck!!
Reply:A nice, summery bouquet.
Reply:I would get Roses. Every one (rose) means something different. Then maybe a nice card saying why you picked the colors and what each color means to you. EX. yellow, because you brighten my day whanever I see you.
Reply:If you want to send her some flowers just to make her a day a little brighter and when she gets home a little nicer just send her either some white or yellow daisys. They are just really nice looking flowers and they don't imply anything except that you just wanted to let her know you care. Roses at her work place would be somewhat out of place but daisys would work nicely.

Trust me daisys will do the trick

Reply:Roses of many colors!!!!
Reply:in old days people got flowers to send massages like

roses=deep love

baby's breath= happiness

Daisy: Gentleness, Innocence, Loyal love

I say red rose buds and baby's breath

not only are the red and white pretty together

but if you explain the meanings and say the roses are going to bloom with your love and relationship i bet she'll think its really special
Reply:maybe, sunflowers those sound good
Reply:Red Roses
Reply:sunflowers. unless she hates them.
Reply:Anything but roses, unless roses are her favorite. Pick something that is a color she likes.
Reply:Stargazer lillies - will do the trick every time.
Reply:A small arangement of daisys and baby's breath would be adorable. I personally like the white ones, but if the gerber ones are more "her' then go for those.

Roses are more for special occasions and saying sorry.

Lilys are for funerals, sorry lily fans, I think of dead people when I see them.
Reply:Lilly's pink and white they are so nice
Reply:Do what I do, go to the florist and ask them to make up a mixed bouquet. I pretend to be dumb "I'd like some flowers, please" and they make up a super bouquet within my budget. Let them choose what is freshest on the day.
Reply:orchids. they're pretty.
Reply:Send her a single rose tied with a silk ribbon and a note with this poem by Pablo Neruda:

I do not love you...

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,

or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms

but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;

thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,

risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.

I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;

so I love you because I know no other way

that this: where I does not exist, nor you,

so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,

so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
Reply:roses or lillies are great,
Reply:Something cheery, like daises or sunflowers.
Reply:The kind of flowers that she likes. It is not the gift that counts it is the thought...
Reply:I hope you know her birthday for this suggestion. You should get her a bouquet of her birth month flower. Here is where you can find out which flower corresponds to which month.

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