Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's a friends b-day and I'm sending her flowers at work,I need to know what to put on the card?

The thing is i'm in love with her but as of right now we're just friends,I don't want to tell her how I feel she already knows,just something nice and sweet...
It's a friends b-day and I'm sending her flowers at work,I need to know what to put on the card?
You are my best friend. I don't know how how i could live without you....
Reply:I'm sorry...but I wouldn't use the 'friend' word in the card. You could write something funny, as we would appreciate the fact that you made her laugh and sent her such a nice gift. However if you mention the 'friend' word too often, then normally it kills off any opportunities of anything else in the future.

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