Thursday, January 26, 2012

Who else is sending their boyfriend flowers for Sweetest Day?

Wow I thought you were making that up! Hmmm I guess I will do something on that day...
Who else is sending their boyfriend flowers for Sweetest Day?
i'd like to but my husband would be mad if he found out!
Reply:dont have one
Reply:a) guys don't want flowers, so don't waste your money

and b) sweetest day is a second run valentines day and most people don't observe it, so don't think it means anything if your SO ignores it.
Reply:Can you send me flowers on the Sweetest Day ? :)
Reply:Not me. I don't have a boyfriend.
Reply:I tihnk i might. well my name is rose. its so wierd that i never usually get them.
Reply:Well i did not no there was such a day i hope my gf does that
Reply:Deffinately!!!! i love to give my husband a Single Perfect Flower for my Single most Perfect Hubby Everyonce in a while ..... no matter if theres an occasion or not... holiday or not... birthday or not...
Reply:Where are you from. I think its just a holiday for gthe midwest. lol. nobody outside midwest knows about it. My daughter was born last sweetest day. :)

But I don't have a BF... so NO! ha
Reply:is it official? it's today? really? COOL!!! What can I give him.....hmm...
Reply:my boyfriend just sent me flowers to work today, early sweetest day...=)
Reply:Why? Send me football tickets... then I would know she loves me.

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